Obtaining compost from blackberry leaves and guinea pig manure.
Waste, composting, characteristics, bioreactor design, temperatureAbstract
The central zone of Ecuador is economically linked to agriculture and an important agro-industrial sector, especially SMEs, are involved in guinea pig production. The objective of this deductive research is the design of a mechanism to obtain compost by using solid waste from guinea pig manure and blackberry leaves. The applied methodology consisted of two stages, for which first the monitoring and control of variables such as temperature, pH, humidity and aeration during the whole compost process was carried out for three months. With these data analyzed, the process was designed by means of basic engineering, and then continued with the sizing, design and construction of the equipment called Bioreactor. The compost obtained with the implementation of the bioreactor was categorized as a class A product, based on the Chilean standard NCh2880, which allows its use for the production of food or native or small horticultural crops.
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