Development of a formulation for the tanning of goat skin with humic acid and tare
curtition, humic acid, tare (caesalpinia spinosa), leather qualityAbstract
The purpose of this research project was to determine the appropriate dosage of humic acid and Caesalpinia spinosa (tare), for the goat skin tanning process, depending on the quality of the lea- ther obtained, as an alternative to the use of chromium salts and their impact environmental. The experimental units used in the present investigation were16 fresh goat skins, which were subjec- ted to the tanning process using different concentrations of humic acid (0, 5, 10 and 20 %) and a fixed percentage of tare (15%) in the "EL AL-CE" Industrial Plant located in Guano. Once the process was finished, the quality of the skins obtained was evaluated through physical-mechani- cal, sensory and chemical tests. Finally, a Simple Randomized Experimental Design was applied, of 4 treatments with 4 replicates each using a statistical package. The best results of the statistical treatment in physical-mechanical tests: tensile strength (2973.80 N / cm2), elongation percentage (62.50%) and lastometry (7.89 mm) were reported when tanning with 10% humic acid and 15% tare. From the sensory rating, excellent results were obtained in tanning with 20% humic acid, while in softness and f lower looseness of the tanning with 10% humic acid and 15% tare, it genera ted the best results. Chemical evaluation obtained very good results in all investigated treatments. In conclusion, the results show the feasibility of tanning with 10% humic acid in combination with 15% tare, obtaining tanned leathers without chrome meeting the characteristics required by the European markets for its export industrial.
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