Development of a function in MATLAB for the change of basis of a Vector Space
Linear algebra, Vector space, Change of basis, MATLABAbstract
In this work we develop a function in MATLAB for the calculation of change of basis in a Vector Space, this is a fundamental issue in a Linear Algebra course that due to its complexity we must say that little attention has been paid in education research math. In the change of basis due to the calculation, which is often quite tedious, only examples in R2 are made in the classroom and with the function "cbase2 (A, B)" that we have developed to change from one basis to another, the dimension of the Vector Space is not a restriction. It shows the versatility of MATLAB to make calculations to easily check the results obtained manually in the example 2. We can conclude that this function will allow to lighten the calculations in the classroom and it would be good to do a new investigation to check its versatility in a Linear Algebra course.
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