Co-pyrolysis of the mixture of lignocellulosic biomass and plastic waste
co-pyrolysis, biomass, polystyrene, polypropylene, biofuelsAbstract
The objective of the research was to evaluate the co-pyrolysis process of the mixture of lignocellulosic biomass with polystyrene and polypropylene plastic wastes to obtain biofuel and to determine its physicochemical characteristics. A batch reactor was used with a heating rate of 12 °C-min-1 at a pressure of -0.05 MPa, purged with nitrogen, connected to a cooling system; for the co-pyrolysis tests, a temperature of 400°C (T1) and another of 450°C (T2) were used with 2 mixture compositions, the first C1: 25%Biomass+75%Plastic (50% PP+50%PS) and the second C2: 25%Biomass+75% Plastic (25% PP+75%PS). From the analysis of the biofuels it was observed that they were mainly constituted by oxygenated compounds, olefins, naphthenes and nitrogen compounds. Their calorific value was 40152 kJ kg-1. Finally, it was determined that the biofuel at T2-C2 obtained a higher yield (73%) because in its composition there was a greater presence of polystyrene which, due to its polymeric structure, is more easily depolymerized by the addition of heat; however, if this temperature were exceeded, gas formation would be promoted. In addition, due to its physicochemical characteristics, the biofuel could be used as an additive for conventional fuels.
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