Analysis of the accident rate on Avenida Mariscal Sucre, between the Avenues Universitaria and Avenida; San Francisco de Rumihurco.
Mariscal Sucre, accident rate, rates, mortality, buffer, percentile.Abstract
In this technical study, the subject of accident rate is approached statistically at the national, provincial and cantonal levels, to later focus on Mariscal Sucre avenue which, according to data from the Metropolitan Public Company of Mobility and Public Works, is the road most rugged within the road system of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Mariscal Sucre avenue has a length of 31 kilometers crossing the city on its western flank from Guamani in the south to Ponceano in the north, for its study the route was delimited taking as a starting point the intersection with Avenida Universitaria to Avenida San Francisco de Rumihurco, resulting in a 12.7 kilometer stretch. The analysis of the section of the avenue starts from the determination of the accident, morbidity and mortality rates through the study of the Annual. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and a population buffer of the neighborhoods that adjoin the route of the road. Subsequently, the critical points also known as black are identified, which are those where the claims are most recurrent, in these points a study of point speeds will be carried out to obtain the 85th percentile that allows identifying the points with the highest traffic speed.
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