Genetic determinants and their mechanisms of action involved in bacterial resistance to heavy metals: a review.
Proteins, enzymes, transcription, transgenicsAbstract
The main genetic determinants involved in bacterial resistance to heavy metals reported in the literature were identified and described, as well as their uses at biotechnological and environmental levels. A bibliographic review of information from the last ten years found in SJR indexed journals available in different databases was carried out, outlining the current state of knowledge on the subject and making qualitative comparisons between the selected researches. Bacteria are constantly evolving and becoming more resistant thanks, to the acquisition of genes that allow them to cope with the toxic effects of metals. Therefore, the genetic determinants of bacterial resistance to metals such as arsenic, mercury, chromate and cadmium were compiled from several authors, being respectively: ars, mer, chr, cad and czc; these systems can be located in the chromosome and plasmids of bacteria. The mechanism of action encoded by each determinant is described, mainly regulation and enzymatic detoxification. Finally, the biotechnological and environmental applications of the determinants were compared, finding wide use in the construction of biosensors and genetically modified organisms.
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