Job stress in primary care medical and nursing personnel in the COVID-19 health emergency.
Health personnel, COVID-19, Mental healthAbstract
Job stress involves a set of physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions that the individual experiences when faced with circumstances that imply excessive pressure in a work context. This situation can have a negative impact on the performance, motivation, satisfaction and commitment of the worker with the company. Considering the complexity of the working conditions imposed by COVID-19 on health personnel, the objective of this study was to analyze work stress among primary care health professionals (doctors and nurses) who work in a Health District of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador during the health emergency due to COVID-19. The study is of a quantitative cross-sectional type; a questionnaire of sociodemographic variables and the Job Stress Questionnaire (JSS) were applied to a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 41 people. Both types of professionals present high levels of work stress, with doctors obtaining the highest scores and people over 30 years of age. It is essential to deepen this type of analysis in order to obtain data that will allow for sound decision making to avoid loss of life, unnecessary wear and tear on healthcare personnel and a decrease in their productivity.
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