Presentation and structure of manuscripts
Authorship policy and exclusivity: Articles must be accompanied by a document signed by all co-authors, or failing that by a signature of the principal author, which includes:

FORMAT 1. AUTHORITY AND PERSONAL DATA Declaration of authorship signed by lead author and co-authors who have contributed in the planning, execution, data collection, interpretation of results, as well as in the drafting and review. Name, surname, address, telephone, fax and email of the contact author -in the authors section of the manuscript body will be differentiated by the symbol * preceding the name-, name, surname and email of the co-authors.      Spanish Document
    English Document

FORMAT 2. ETHICAL DECLARATION OF CONTENTS: Consent of the lead author and co-authors about character original of the article contents; avoid making a crime of plagiarism.      Spanish Document
    English Document
FORMAT 3. CONSENT: Informed consent that the Editorial Group of “Perfiles” journal reserves the copyright -Copyright- of received and accepted the manuscripts for publication.      Spanish Document
    English Document

Manuscripts and supporting documents (format 1, 2, 3 and 5) will be sent to the email, DOC or DOCX format from Microsoft Word®

A4 pages with default format of margins -2.5 upper , lower and three right and left will be used.

Spacing: 1.5 lines (double space).

Times New Roman font type, size 12 for general text and 14 bold for titles and subtitles contained in the text.

The additional contents, tables, figures and graphs, will be sent in a separate document identified as Table 1. Table 2, Figure 1, Graph 1., etc.

With regard to FIGURES OR IMAGES must be sent in PNG or GIF format.

At the end of this document, the captions identified in the same way make clear its equivalence with the tables, figures and graphics attached.

The extension of each article should preferably be between 5 and 10 pages.
Article submission format        Spanish Document
       English Document
Full title of the article in Spanish and English. It should be clear and concise. The title will be representative of the manuscript content. Type font Time New Roman size 16 (bold). Maximum 20 words

Full names of author and other co-authors. The names of the authors will be written in lower case with the first letter in uppercase. The first name and the last names will be written (Ex. Rosa Maldonado Pujos). Each author will be preceded by a superscript number on the left side that will be identified with the membership institution or corresponding affiliation. Type of font Times New Roman size 14.

If the authors belong to the same institution will not be necessary to place the superscript. The contact author should place a * to the right of the name, write an e-mail address.

ORCID identifier Indicate the name of the authors and the ORCID identifier.

Summary in Spanish and English. From 150 to 200 words, it should not contain formulas or acronyms. Summarize the theoretical framework that justifies the work done, well-defined objectives, methods used, results and main conclusions.

Keywords. Maximum six words that define the most important points of the work.

I. Introduction.- Its function is to identify the theoretical framework of the subject matter, which will be contextualized with the phenomenon investigated to determine the general and specific objectives of the work. Excessive bibliographical references or abbreviations must not be included.

II. Materials and methods.- This section must inform about all the methodology and experimental materials used. At the same time will allow that the essay to be reproducible under the same conditions as those indicated by the authors. If procedures designed and published by other authors have been used, such publications should be cited.

III. Results.- Contains all the information related to the findings obtained, once the statistical methods have been applied (if required). It can integrate tables, diagrams, or any other additional element that expands or facilitates the results presentation.

IV. Discussion.- In-depth analysis of the data obtained, comparing with other authors. This section should discuss the most innovative and important results, contribution, applicability, etc.

V. Conclusions.- Clear, direct and concise answers to the initial questions or objectives of the study. It may include proposals for new lines of research based on the results discussed or new hypotheses, as long as each one is well supported by the results.

VI. Acknowledgments.- People or institutions that have contributed in some way in the research or drafting text, whether through funding, knowledge contribution or research activity.
VII. Conflict of interests.- Indicate whether particular interests exist on the part of the authors or the scientific entity that could directly or indirectly affect the results.

VIII. Bibliographic references.- Both in the text-quotes- as in the bibliography, the referencing must comply with the standards of The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) or
FORMAT 4. VANCOUVER STYLE      Spanish Document
     English Document
Include at least 25 Bibliographic References.

The incorporation of gray bibliography or content of doubtful origin or scientific quality (especially of web origin) will be considered a serious error and reason for rejection of the publication proposal. Publications used in the bibliography must belong to indexed journals with their corresponding identifier: DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book Number) or ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

To facilitate the review of these elements by the authors we have made available a table with the
FORMAT 5. CONTROL POINTS      Spanish Document
     English Document
most important or checklist.

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Telephone: (593)(03) 2998200 ext.2221
Postal Code: EC060155







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